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5 Health Benefits of Exercise

Okay, so everyone knows that exercise is good for you and helps you to get in shape. But you may still be unclear about the specific health benefits of physical activity, and what makes it truly worth it. In this post, we will explore some


When You Need a Massage vs. a Chiropractor

When it comes to our health and well-being, it’s important to know when to take which avenue. When we visit the doctors office, it’s not uncommon to feel as though we’re referred to one specialist after another, essentially jumping through one rabbit hole just to


Why are 275,000 Teens Smoking Now?

Teen smoking rates have increased dramatically over the past 3 years. The biggest culprit seems to be marketing campaigns that have emerged as teen vapor smoking rates have increased. Here are a look at the stats: In 2011 just over 79,000 teens smoked. In 2013, that


Why Christmas Cheer is Down This Year?

Christmas is upon us. In many parts While Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Autism and “silent” killers have been well publicized, our population is still struggling to understand Vitamin D deficiencies and soaring rates in US adults and teens. Globally, 1 billion people have not enough vitamin


How Your Child Can Participate in a MIT Health Study? And Get Smarter.

MIT has developed an Early Childhood Cognition Laboratory (ECCL). Lookit ( Lookit works as a new approach in developmental psychology: bringing the experiments to you as the parent. MIT’s online studies are quick, and let you as a parent contribute to their collective understanding of children’s learning. You might


Charles Barkley: Concussions and Sports

Charles Barkley is no stranger to controversy and on a recent Conan O’Brien segment, Charles let everyone know his opinion on the matter. Check out the video below. But what is a concussion and what should we do to address a potential head wringer. Fast Facts